Friday 13 April 2012


Havent posted in a while but have recently watched Cold Light of Day, Hall Pass, The Hunger games and planning to watch Water for Elephants and Sucker Punch tonight so expect reviews up tonight or tomorrow! :)

Thursday 27 October 2011

coming soon...

Watching paranormal activity 1 and 2 as well as let me in and maybe a couple of others tonight with mates then paranormal activity 3 2moro night reviews for them all to follow... :)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Johnny English Reborn

Johnny English Reborn

Johnny English Reborn is the 2nd in the action comedy series following the loveable MI7 agent played by Rowan Atkinson.

This film was highly enjoyable for all ages sticking to what made the original succesful to such a large audience it contained laughs galore throughout whilst being suitable for ages without seeming childish.

Whilst simple its running joke involving a chinese cleaner was funny throughout and the odd twist made it even better with it not just being aimed at kids

Overall I enjoyed this film more than many this year and was highly amusing throughout. A film that should definitely be a trip out for kids this half term and also worth a trip for any teens or adults with free time highly enjoyable for all.

This earns it a rating of 8/10 highly amusing and enjoyable for all genuinely one of my favourites of this autumn. Yet again some magic from Rowan Atkinson on the big screen.

Hope this was useful. Please feedback! :)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Despicable Me

Despicable Me

Despicable Me is a fun family animation about an evil scientist starring Steve Carell, Jason Segel and Russel Brand.

This all star cast comes together in a highly enjoyable film for all ages. Whilst obviously aimed at younger viewers it isn't one to endure for those older but one to join in the enjoyment in a very well made and cast animation.

This has all the making of a classic animation hit of recent years despite being produced by illumination entertainment seemingly new boys on the block to me.

However despite not being world renown you could be fooled into thinking this is disney or pixar such is the quality of this film.

Overall for teens and adults I'd rate this at 7/10 a highly enjoyable animation but for kids I recon it deserves a 9/10 ticks all the major boxes for a kiddy classic a must watch for those of the right age!

Hope you find this useful. Please feedback! :)

Worlds Greatest Dad

Worlds Greatest Dad

World's Greatest Dad was a dark comedy starring Robin Williams in which his son dies during a mastrubation accident and in shame his father covers it up leading to a rise in his dead sons popularity and fame.

Despite a crude start seemingly unecessary it did not proceed in the rest of the film and instead coasting along mildly amusing me as a viewer but no real laugh out loud or over memorable moments.

Whilst this is a comedy it was only mildly amusing although it kept u amused at this standard throughout it didn't stand out for its comedy but to me it was heart warming and Robin Williams portrayed his role as one of those dads that always gives in very well making me feel sorry for him from the off.

However this film was also eye opening as it shows how when someone dies alarmingly people who never liked them before suddenly act like their best friend showing how 2 faced a lot of us humans can be without even realising.

This film had a very fitting ending and was a film that kept me entertained throughout but not neccesarily memorable overall its definitely worth a watch whilst not a great its a fun watch especially when watching on sky movies for free like me its definitely worth the time to watch it but whilst I enjoyed it I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.

If it's on TV record it and you'll enjoy watching it when you have nothing to do or it would be something good to rent for a night in but by no means should you go out your way to watch this.

Overall it is good fun but nothing special getting it a rating of 6.5/10 from me!

Hope you find this review useful. Please feedback! :)

Monday 24 October 2011

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Just got back from the late showing of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy at my local cineworld tonight. After hearing such great news about the film I went in with great expectations. This was further increased by the all star British cast of Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy and John Hurt.

However I think I may of set these expectations to high as the film went along its way. Whilst however there was nothing majorly wrong with the film and there were some fine performance and excellent screenplay throughout there was that little something missing from the film that extra ooomph as some may call it.

This may be just because I was expecting to much but I felt dissapointed with this film and had predicted the mole from early on in the film from purely the process of elimination. However the film did have an extremely well crafted feel and an extremely good finish to the film.

However this is a case of a film that doesn't put a step wrong but doesn't have that little bit extra of required edge to be one of those top films remembered for years.

Overall this was an ejoyable film but not as great as many reviews have made it seem definitely not in the standard of a classic more an enjoyable well thought out tense drama which whilst enjoyable in a few months time I'll remember little about. This leads me to give this an overall rating of 7/10 for this personal and tense British drama.

Please give feedback thanks!

Old School

Old School

Old School is a comedy about 3 middle aged men trying to recapture there youth in the creation of a fraternity despite the obstacles in there way.

This storyline whilst remarkably basic and predictable gives hilarious results from director Todd Phillips who has since gone onto produce such films as the hangover and due date but this is up there with his modern classics despite being made all the way back in 2003.

This also has an all star cast of Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughan and cameos from Elisha Cuthbert and Sean William Scott. This cast makes for a movie full of laugh out loud moments and whilst at times outragous and on occasion crude it does not cross the line to much making it a very entertaining film.

Also the chemistry between all the characters was exceptional further adding to the laughter.

For me this was simply one of the funniest films I've seen for a while with the unique style it seems only Todd Phillips can produce.

Not quite as good as his latest film but still for me an exceptional comedy certainly worth watching. This earns it from me a rating of 9/10 whilst simple in storyline and script somehow it all manages to come together into a thoroughly entertaining film!

See if you liked: The Hangover, Anchorman or Blades of Glory

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